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Love Italian Food
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Love Italian Food
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#4683 din 4683 de Companii din Alimente si Bauturi
Membru Gratuit din 2014
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Scrie o parere
Love Italian Food Love Italian Food 00393397823461 Italy, Roma, -
Produse si servicii

cold meat, cheese, vegetables, gift basket

Tipul companiei

Import - Export

Piata de desfacere


Nr. angajati

mai putin de 5

Anul infiintarii


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2014!
Being certain of providing a service that all Italian food lovers will appreciate, aims to supply typical Italian food products to all its users by minimizing the movement of goods and thus preserving their freshness.

Compared to what is supplied by most on-line sellers, we believe that we can provide a different kind of service to all Italian food lovers who live in locations where we can export to.

The products sold on this Web portal are dispatched directly by their producers or by shops located as close as possible to them, in order to enable our purchasers to taste specialities from every region of Italy that have not lost their freshness and original properties.

We have no warehouse to store our Italian delicacies before they are sold, but we act as an interface between producers – who often lack the expertise and organisation to manage on-line selling – and Italian food lovers worldwide, who wish to taste our local specialities but do not want them to lose their original properties.

The quality of our products is guaranteed by your voice: should we receive multiple complaints about any of our suppliers not complying with the quality expected, we shall remove their products from our list, for your and our own sakes.
Din Gura in Gura